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Myco Farm


Project by: Everardo Castro Torres & Jorge Muñoz Zanón

The following project tries to put to the test a new way of manufacturing. Based on the growth of mycelium, this project offers a different approach to grow mycelium than doing it in a Lab.

By planting molds to the soil connected via 3d printed clay structures that allow mycelium to both, grow through the mold and expand its net to eventually connect to the mycorrhizae. This method, allows exchange of nutrients between the mold and the natural ecosystem. Through this artifact we explore the idea of taking resources in a more responsible way, exchanging nutrients and the new mycorrhizae network for a desired object, fruit, etc… Further research is needed in order to not alter the ecosystem’s balance (fungi species, plant species).


This first microchallenge was an interesting exercise that allowed us to explore many different processes involved, as well as the difficulties that accompany them. In order to prototype our sketched idea, we had to model some pieces in rhinoceros, and even though it included digitally designed pieces, at the end these had to be modified by hand in order to comply with the desired function. For example, when we designed the 3d printed clay piece, at the end we decided to manually make a section and cut it in 2 in order for the interior of the piece to e shown, as well as some ventilation and moisture holes where the mycelium could grow freely outside the piece. At the end, because of time shortage, we used the same design but printed in PLA. We did not have enough time to let the clay one dry and fire it.

Dealing with 3d models and physical hand post processing opens up the possibility that not everything has to be perfectly designed from the beginning for it to be useful for a prototype. Everything can be tweaked and or upcycled in some way, which in many cases can save materials and time.

Another insight worth mentioning is that every tool and machine demands time to be learned and managed. I can say that we spent a good amount of time dealing with the paste printer. We had some setbacks until we accomplished the right balance between all the variables like material consistency, machine speed, pressure, model´s gcode, etc…

We can say that at the end of this microchallenge we became more confident with the printers and gave us the opportunity to be creative with our limited time and knowledge.
