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Designing with Extended Intelligences


In our case it was interesting to see the ai´s interpretation of the images we took. We speculate that sometimes the prompting was not very good, maybe if we change the order of the words or the semantic of the text, the results would be closest to the expected outcome. The other hypothesis is that the running version of the generative model was not the best for integrating and translating the words to generate the images. But even though we had results that we loved and inspired us for further developing the concepts behind them.

A tool like Modmatrix which gives you the opportunity of prompting different kinds of inputs to get different outputs, and to have the ability to combine them, makes it a powerful tool that can be useful for rapid prototyping, generation of processes and diagrams or even for artistic purposes.

it was inspiring to get to know my classmates approaches with this ai tools. It shows the possibilities of it in terms of generation of ideas in a fast way to be able to further develop concepts. It definitely broke a barrier for me, in the sense of getting the basic logics behind the models and in generation of curiosity to keep playing with the tools and maybe generate a custom ai model myself.