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Communicating Ideas


Stakeholders reflection:

The stakeholders exercise was a tough one for me. First because i found what i was doing hard to define, for the reason that i was doing different things at the same time, that at the moment seemed hard to connect into a single point. If i hadn’t define my research topic i couldn’t define everything else. I was speculating (a bit blindly) what my stakeholders or concepts as my vision or mission could be. Personally, it was necessary to define the project and put some boundaries to it. Once i defined my focus now i could start defining its personality and stakeholders.

Independently of my struggle, i found the exercise quite helpful for my personal reflection as well as for the future possibilities of what im developing during the masters. I ended up realizing that i need to start engaging more with external others (outside mdef) with more focus now.

Tandem video reflection:

I am part of the tandem project with Nicolò and Albert. To be able to communicate our ideas we went to a mountain region at the Catalonian countryside. The setting felt perfect for it as the activity developed as a long conversation more than an interview.

Listening, talking and sharing with Nick and Albert helped me personally to put my own ideas into different perspectives and obtaining deeper insights. I also had the chance to get to know their motivations and interests. I was happy to connect further, and to share our thoughts in this reflective conversation with them both.